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01 February 2024 | Arcade Games

Date nights at Timezone

Let’s face it: it’s rough out there. We’re busy, distracted, and mostly just trying to make sense of a world in chaos. But when the overwhelm gets real, there’s one surefire way to tune out the noise and tap into joy again: connecting with the people you love. And by ‘connect’, we mean ‘play’, because we could all do with more fun in our lives!

Besides, clever clogs (read: scientists) have found that couples who play together, stay together – and we’re pretty sure this counts for friends, family and, yes, even strangers, sometimes. This means that Timezone has just become the number one dating destination for all kinds of relationships. 

The First Daters

First dates are nerve-wracking. Meeting at the beach? Sunburn, unpredictable weather, sand in odd places and bluebottle stings come to mind. Movie date? You don’t get to talk, navigating the whole ‘put hand where they can hold it’ situation gets awkward, and what if the movie choice sucks? Yeah, no.

A first date at Timezone takes the pressure off. It’s an opportunity to relax and get to know each other better while having actual fun. You’ll find out if your potential partner is competitive, whether they have a sense of humour, if they’re good at teamwork... And awkward silences are impossible because you’ll be too busy discussing the next game.

First Date arcade games to try:

  • Ye Olde claw machine. It’s practically a first-date rite of passage!
  • Space Invaders, Time Crisis, Maimai – any two-player collaboration games that test if you’re compatible when it comes to teamwork.

The Long-haulers

You’ve been together forever, you finish each other’s sentences, and frankly, you think you don’t need to try anymore and would rather just be on the couch bingeing the latest Netflix series. But that’s precisely why you should head over to Timezone: having fun together will help you rediscover that playful spark you thought was long lost!

We suggest:

  • Reboot the thrills with one of Timezone’s scary cabinet games: The Walking Dead will test whether you could survive a zombie apocalypse together, while Dark Escape 4D boosts adrenaline and that “we’re the last two survivors, whatever shall we do next?” kinda feeling...

Mates on dates

Arranging group date nights can be tricky, especially if you’re a bunch of friends wanting to introduce your new significant others to, well, everybody. Bring the pack over to Timezone for plenty of options to play, mingle, and take the awkwardness out of one-on-one intensity. You’ll be able to spend quality time with all your favourite people, doubling the fun. And if the date doesn’t work out, your friends will be there to cheer you up.

Get your group on:

  • Bumper cars - laugh, scream and strategise as you navigate through the Spin Zone, dodging collisions and aiming for epic bumps.
  • Laser tag – test the ties that bind with a game of laser tag. Our arenas are state-of-the-art and kitted out with impressive lighting, murals, and artwork, promising an adrenaline rush.

Best Friends Forever

You may not be lovers, but you’re in a serious relationship anyway. Your BFF’s future partner will probably have to jump through hoops to live up to your standards, though, which could be a problem... But at least you have each other!

For better bonding try:

  • Air hockey - a classic that allows you to chat at top speed while keeping an eye out for snacks wandering by...
  • Dance Dance Revolution. When good friends are in sync, they dance. And they’re good at it. So come on, show us your moves!

Long-distance lovers

Look, love is tough, and doing it long-distance takes guts and commitment. So, what to do when you’re both far away from each other and need to feel connected? Chances are you’re both close to a Timezone. Here’s what you do: arrange to visit your closest Timezone at the same time on the same date. Pick a game you both love, connect via your phones and start playing, live updating as you go. Or take some cute pics in our photo booths and swap them. We know it’s not the real thing, but giggling together over the silly things you do because you care about each other is a good thing.

The Frenemies

You’re on again, off again, not sure if you’re together or very much apart... But maybe this time it could work out? Timezone will help you figure it out, one way or another. Keep things non-combative, though: try games such as Stacker or The Wonderful Wizard of Pinball and take a ride on Virtual Rabbids: The Big Ride. Keep it light and see if you can reconnect with the reasons that brought you together in the first place.

Avoid this:

  • If things aren’t going well, stay away from the bumper cars. No, seriously.

All’s fair in love and play

No matter the couple, a date at Timezone offers endless opportunities for play, bonding, and just having some fun. It’s the perfect way to celebrate love. To mangle William Shakespeare once more: “if arcade games be the food of love, play on!

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