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| Arcade Games

Play nice! How not to be a sore loser

Most of us have a competitive streak – we want to be the best dancer, beat the high score on Pac Man or snag the biggest plushie in the claw machine. And sometimes, if we don’t get our way, we sulk. But since a day out at Timezone should be all about having fun and making good memories with friends who like you, we have some advice to avoid being a sore loser…

Live and let play

“If at first you don’t succeed, try, and try again” is good life advice in general – unless you’re hogging the arcade game machine. So, if you notice a long line of irritated-looking people forming behind you, rather take a breather, try a different Timezone game and come back after everyone else have had their turn. You’ll probably find that the break has helped you rethink your strategy!

The young and the desperate

Padawans have much to learn – but they won’t if they keep getting their butts kicked with no end – or fun – in sight! If you have younger siblings or friends struggling to get their scores up or win a game, lend them a hand: sometimes with good advice, or sometimes by very subtly letting them win. After all, somebody (your parents, for example) probably did the same for you once before, and it’s likely that moment of victory (earned or not) is still a sweet memory. Don’t let on that you helped them, and your reward should be a very happy face.

Grump-free zone

You just got smashed in Air Hockey. Should you:

  1. Jump up, kick your friend, embed the puck in the ceiling and stomp off, or
  2. Sigh, smile, shake your friend’s hand, take a break, and come back for a re-match?

We ALWAYS choose option. What you want is good fun, good memories, and good friends – so be nice. It’s worth it.

Bring it to the ring

Just can’t shake your urge to compete? Choose from the attractions that let you get rid of your adrenaline in a safe setting and encourage a bit of competition- think laser tag, bowling, bumper cars! The good thing about these is that they’re timed, so you know you have a set number of minutes or tries to satisfy your overachieving side. 

If all else fails, bring that competitive energy to the (game) ring: Timezone venues sometimes host store-wide game-specific tournaments that allow you to test your mettle, immortalise your name on the high-score board and win awesome prizes. Keep your eyes peeled for announcements!

Be a goldfish

Sometimes, an arcade game just keeps getting the better of you. (Crossy Road happens to be our personal nemesis. The shame.) If you keep failing and the frustration is getting you down and making you be mean to others, take this lesson from our favourite footie coach Ted Lasso to heart: be a goldfish. Why? Well, a goldfish (allegedly) has a memory span of only 3 seconds: if it lost a game of, say, Nerf Arcade, it wouldn’t sit in a corner and mope about it, ruining everybody else’s day. It would shrug, smile, and go off to share some pizza with its friends. Be like the goldfish.

Ready to become a better player? Head to your closest Timezone today and embrace the play!

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